Handling Pipes with Ease
Do you need a better alternative to using taglines than moving pipe or long loads? Bossong Engineering designs and manufactures a mechanical fitting and handling aid, known as a Collar Guidance Device. Unlike traditional taglines, our unique Collar Guidance Device holds its shape allowing loads to be both pushed and pulled which makes the job far safer and more efficient for the operator.
We use this tool every day at the Bossong Engineering workshop. We use it to control the handling of collars and pipe equipment, making the workshop a safer work environment and helping us maintain our high HSE standards.
The rubber collar loop on the device is capable of fitting equipment of up to 13” in diameter, and the handle is 5” in length which provides the operator to push and pull the collar, allowing for superior versatility and control.

Having tried and tested it for years, we provide worldwide distribution of the Collar Guidance Device. Although primarily used in the oil and gas industry, it is now a recommended standard manual handling aid throughout multiple industries.
For more details on how it can help your team, contact our friendly Sales team today.